

IMEG are consulting engineers specialising in onshore oil and gas pipelines and associated installations.

IMEG has carried out contracts in many oil and gas producing countries,
including Algeria, Colombia, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Nigeria and Oman, as
well as being active in its domestic market in the United Kingdom, with a number of recent
contracts on gas compression plant, both onshore and offshore.

IMEG provides services to private and state energy producers and users for projects ranging
from oil and gas gathering, treatment, storage and transmission through to metering,
distribution and loading.

IMEG’s multi-disciplined professional engineering staff are highly qualified and experienced individuals. Who are supported by personnel specialising in CAD design, field engineering and the supervision of construction, testing and commissioning.

IMEG operate a fully integrated computer network system, with both standard office applications and a range of specific in-house developed computer programs to assist in technical decision making.